My Biggest Mistake

I’ve made a lot of mistakes since I’ve gotten to smath. But they all seem minuscule in comparison to this one. I should not have gotten so close to my senior class. They were the most wonderful people that I have ever met. I knew (or at least recognized) most of them. Everyone was nice and willing to help. The seniors on my hall never failed to brighten my day, make me laugh, or give advice. After extendeds we reunited like we hadn’t seen each other in years. During extended we were in constant touch. The night before graduation we cried. We cried right before their last check, during their last housekeeping, or even when we just looked at each other during the last day. Then, they left. It was scary. It was sad. It was the worst experience of my life (and trust me that’s saying something). Then I moved in for my senior year. I missed my seniors but knew I’d be okay without them. I wanted to be a great senior to my juniors because I wanted them to have the relationships that I had. But it hasn’t worked, yet. People keep telling me that it’s only the first week, but at this point last year I had already developed meaningful relationships. My hallmates were my best friends. They still are. But I haven’t connected with my juniors well. It may sound like I am hung up on my seniors and give the juniors a chance, but I did give them a chance. That’s all I’ve done the past week (if you think a week is a short amount of time check out my post about smath time and you’ll understand). I’m done trying. I don’t hate them or even dislike them. I haven’t connected with them. They prefer to stick to their class. They find us intimidating. They are already cliquey (thanks to the lovely Facebook). They came to school with pre-existing friends. I know that I’ll have a different relationship with my juniors, but it won’t be as meaningful. Every junior I’ve met is great, but we haven’t made that connection that all smathers have. Smath kids are just different from everyone else and I don’t see that in this class. This post probably sounds terrible, but my seniors were great. I wish I could stay in my junior year forever. My juniors are great too but I wish they’d open up to my class.

The First Week (Or Two)

Hello Friends!

I move in tomorrow! I’m so excited, but also not so excited because the pfm, schoolwork, and college apps. But I’m not here to rant, this post actually has a purpose! This is mainly geared towards my baby junes so they know what to expect in the first few weeks.

So basically, seniors are divided into 3 groups to move in. RLAs moved in on Sunday to begin their RLA training with RLA week. The rest of the leadership positions will move in tomorrow (Thursday) to start prepping for the school year (this includes student ambassadors, PCCs, MPCs, attaches, SPLs, smart bar, etc.). Senior Leadership week is pretty much involves meetings, icebreakers, training, and some cool activities. The rest of the senior class moves in on Monday which kind of sucks because classes start on Tuesday.

On Saturday, the juniors will move in. There is a move in schedule in the MyNCSSM portal. Basically, pull up to your designated area and the leadership students will do all the work for you. All I carried to my room last year was my bookbag (this year I will not be so lucky). Make sure you label all your stuff with your name, hall, and room number so students will know where to bring it. Move in junior year was pretty stress free and simple. Try to make a room floor plan with your roommate before you move in so if one of you moves in early furniture can be arranged without conflict.

Saturday will consist of other meetings with and without parents. At some point, your parents will leave. It is sad but you should be excited. Yet, it is also good to take the time for a proper goodbye. That evening there will be a picnic (it rained last year and was moved to the PEC) and an Ice Cream Social/ Dance. Yes, people will dance. I was extremely uncomfortable with that at the beginning of the year and left but this year I’m so excited (note the change smath had on my social skills). Also, you will meet so many people. It is really awkward because you have nothing to talk about. This is the average conversation:

Person 1: Hi, I’m Person 1.
Person 2: Hi, I’m Person 2. Nice to meet you.
Person 1: Where are you from?
Person 2: I’m from _. You?
Person 1:I’m from _.
Person 2: Oh I’ve been there. What hall do you live on?
Person 1:I live on _. You?
Person 2:I live on_.
Person 1:Oh I know _ who lives there.
Person 2:Are you excited for this year?
Person 1:Yea!
*Insert one of the following: awkward silence, a person leaving, or a new person arriving*

Trust me, I don’t remember any of the kids I met. I’m pretty sure I was introduced to the same people multiple times before we were able to remember each other.

The next few days are filled with boring meetings, fun activities, and placement testing (for juniors). There is also textbook distribution on Monday where every hall is given a specific time to pick up books from the book room (located in the PFM on the ground floor). You actually don’t have to follow the time slots because no one does. Getting there earlier means nicer books.
Note: I have no idea what I’ll be doing those first few days after junior move in.

Tuesday is the first day of classes so make sure you follow the TUESDAY timetable. It’s not that hard to get adjusted to the schedule but I recommend following your schedule and finding your classes a few times before Tuesday. No one will blame you if you’re late the first few days… or the rest of the year (most of my teachers didn’t really care). That night is convocation. People dress up, listen to speeches, and socialize.

There are plenty of activities the rest of the week and make sure to go to them to get exposed to the school (remember YOU control YOUR smath experience).

The first real weekend is the club fair and the t shirt signing dance. GO TO BOTH. There are so many clubs and don’t be afraid to join a ton; it’s no commitment. Dance your heart out at the dance (I didn’t dance…again). I still have my shirt though (DONT FORGET TO BRING A PLAIN WHITE SHIRT TO BE SIGNED!) and it’s surprising to see who signed it. The signing is a bit awkward because you still barely know anyone but your hallmates.

On Monday, there is all this mandatory summer reading stuff. There’s a speech and group sessions that are really boring. The group sessions are awkward and no one talks. I get to be one of those lucky leadership students leading a session and dealing with the awkward silence. Luckily, classes are shortened that day. This is also the juniors first day of Supervised Study (feels like I was in it forever ago). HAHA have fun not being able to use your laptops and sitting in a classroom for an hour and a half. But seriously, use the time to do work or study or get ahead in work. It forms a good habit. The day superstudy ends you get donuts and no one does homework because YOLO (please do your homework and don’t disturb the seniors doing homework).

Well that’s all I have to say about that.

Make the most of every moment at smath. You’re only a junior/senior once so do it right. Participate in everything. Have fun. Don’t be antisocial. Yet, don’t lose sight of academics because ,yes, eventually you will have to apply to college. Feel free to let loose the first few weeks but build good habits (like studying) that will stick with you all year.