
I never thought I’d get here, to the point where the time until I move in is counted in days and I know more people going to NCSSM, heck, more rising seniors than I have fingers. I didn’t think that I’d reach this point, this moment.

Actually, I really did think I’d make it to those points. I was rather sure I would. The point I didn’t think I’d reach was the one when I stopped caring, when it stopped mattering. But I sort of have reached that point. I choose not to hang out with Smathers and it’s no big deal. They’re my friends, and I dislike some of them. I stopped counting the days until I move in. I’m tempted to tell rising sophomores to just chill, it’s no big deal. I don’t continue to scour the internet and look for updates. I’ve even stopped updating the blog, though I suppose there’s little to update in the middle of the summer.

Sure, I still read every Facebook post on the page and I looked at my ID picture as soon as I heard it was up, but I’m a whole lot less obsessed than I was. Because, now, it’s a part of life.