Move-In Day

I’m going to be completely straightforward. SeeTheDawn will probably give you all the logistics of Move-In Day, so I’m not going to focus on it too much. Today was the best day ever. I love NCSSM. I love my hall. I love my roommate. I love SeeTheDawn (I saw him in a completely awkward encounter during dinner/ice cream social). I love auriee (even though I haven’t seen her yet). Yes, things were crazy today. Yes, the showers were freezing. Yes, it rained on our picnic. Yes, this post is not going to flow. But, I’ve had a great day. I’m so happy to be here. I could not have been paired with better hallmates . I already love them like sisters and I’ve only known them for 13 hours. I’m super tired, so I’m ending this post. I can’t wait for tomorrow even though there are a bunch of boring meetings.

NOTE: It is not that hard to get around campus. If you utilize hill tunnel, you can get pretty much anywhere without having to step outside as long as you are not in Royall. (Don’t completely trust my advice because I’ve only been here for a day.)

The Final Days of the First Summer

The title reminds me of 500 Days of Summer. Good movie. You should see it, if you haven’t already.

Anyways, move-in day is Saturday. Today is Wednesday. I’m stressed out to the max, but at the same time very chill. This is one of the few weeks this summer that I actually have nowhere to be.

But I do have the summer science course to complete, by tomorrow night. And the summer reading book to do. And packing to…well, pack. And boxes to get to pack them in.

Strangely, I’m most stressed about the boxes. I want to know what everyone else is bringing so that I can bring my stuff in the same kinds of boxes. I’m stressed about the actual move-in process because I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen. I know it’s going to be smooth and easy, but I’m still stressed. There will be people to direct me, but I don’t know where I’m going in advance.

Oh, and the schedules aren’t out yet.

I also have programs I need to be applying for, an invitation to a birthday party that I lost and was supposed to RSVP to about 2 weeks ago (I just realized I should have Facebooked/called the person, since I know another way to contact them, but now I’m too embarrassed for not thinking of it before). I’m trying to put together all of my achievements in an organized list, or at least one better organized than the one I used to apply to NCSSM.

The worst part is that I don’t want to meet anyone new right now. I know some seniors, I know some juniors, and I feel like I have enough friends.

Writing about move-in day is making me sick. I’m going to embarrass myself. I’m already embarrassing myself, in my Facebook chats.

Oh, and another note: If you get invited to a summer program at NCSSM before your Junior year, go. I don’t care if you think you’re too good or the invitation is condescending or whatever else your problem is. Go. You will make friends. And that’s the thing I’m most looking forward to on move-in day.

Seeing the friends I know.